UK elections past

An election has been called in the UK. Here is a look back at party political broadcasts from the 1983 and 1997 elections.

Source: You Tube (thatcheritescot) Key words party political 1983 tories


Less than five years ago, we in Britain no longer believed we still had any right to think of ourselves as a world leader. But that has changed - because of one woman, who believed that our country, our people could do more than we’d dreamed possible for many, many years, and much more than we thought possible in 1979.

Do you remember what it was like then in the winter of discontent? When Britain had come almost to a standstill as strike followed strike? Abroad they joked about the British disease, but here it was not amusing.

Everybody knew that it couldn’t go on like this. Margaret Thatcher promised that it needn’t, that Britain could change for the better. But could it? Let’s see.

When the mine leaders said ‘strike’ their members said ‘no’ - not once but three times. And when rail leaders said ‘stay out’ their members came back in. Fact: during this government the number of strikes has been the lowest for thirty years. Inflation has been reduced to four percent - the lowest for fifteen years. And we have negotiated rebate after rebate on our European budget, when it wasn’t thought possible. And when other countries were surrendering to the demands of terrorists we didn’t. Britain is now seen as one of the leaders in the fight against the world recession.


I admire her enormously I think she’s the first person that we’ve had in government since the end of the war who I … is standing up for Britain.


She’s somebody who’s really got the courage of her convictions, and she’s stuck out against you know a pretty tough ordeal in the last four years so - yes I think she has got every chance of doing it if anyone’s going to do it.


She means what she says and when she says she’s going down to business she does go down to business, she doesn’t mess around.


Really Maggie’s the only person who’s got any real courage and strength, belief in her convictions.


She wants the country to pull together, which is what I think it needs to do.


She’s started off to do something and she’s doing it.


Well her economic policy I didn’t agree with first of all but it’s worked, I mean she’s proved that it’s worked because inflation has gone down.

MAN IN STREET Nº 3: I think she’s good for the country, I think she won’t take no nonsense, if she keeps by what she says she carries it through she doesn’t change her mind half way. I think you’ve got to give her another term because four years is just not long enough.


A few years back I didn’t think there was much hope for our children in this country but, er, since Margaret Thatcher’s been in power my views have changed.


I don’t think anybody else can do her job as well as she does.


This government has not only won the respect of the people of Britain, but of the world. Five years ago who would have believed that the President of the United States, the Chancellor of West Germany and the Prime Minister of Japan would not only want Britain at a summit meeting but find that the presence of the British Prime Minister was indispensable?


From the first day I became Prime Minister I’ve been gratefully aware of an understanding, of a trust that came from people in all walks of life. I believe that is because people knew that our proposals were honest and right and they were prepared to give them a chance to work.

Today in spite of many difficulties and with so much more to be done, Britain has regained her confidence and self-respect. What I would like to share with you for a few final moments is a vision of the things that matter most to me.

Unemployment is a tragedy not only for those who are out of a job but for their families, friends and for every person who is desperately worried - and rightly - that many who want to work can’t. The plight of the unemployed will be at the forefront of our minds. I won’t promise what I can’t deliver, but I promise you this: we will work with unremitting energy that you may work.

No less are we committed to freedom, for freedom is the birthright of every citizen. To preserve and defend that freedom, to defend it from within and from without, is the first duty of any Prime Minister.

And I want to enlarge that freedom. In Britain today there’s no room for out of date distinctions of class or creed. It doesn’t matter who you are or who your father is or where you come from.

What I am offering can be put very simply. I offer the certainty of liberty and the chance of property ownership. And more than just a chance. That people should be able to own their own homes is deep at the heart of Conservative philosophy. What earthly use is it that families should have a millionth share in some nationalised industry which is indifferent to their needs and wishes? How much more important that they should have something which they own and which can be passed on to their children. I believe in such general ownership. Never mind about public ownership - in practice that gives nobody anything - but personal ownership that rightly rewards the efforts of ordinary people. My hope for the future of all our people is that they should enjoy liberty and property. Their liberty is safe in Conservative hands. That they should acquire property, which brings with it security and independence, is the very essence of what I am in politics to accomplish.

I passionately believe that in a free society there is much of value to be handed on from one generation to the next. The values that I cherish and hold dear spring from my belief that Britain was, is and will continue to be, a powerful influence in the world for good. This means that we must move with the times if we are to sustain the recovery that we have started - in industry, in commerce, in technology, in all the wonders that the future holds. If only we have the wisdom and the will to grasp the opportunities, Britain can become a world leader once again. And we must do this not out of some romantic nostalgia for past glories, but because our very survival in the modern world depends upon it.

I believe that in the tried and proven values of the past lies the moral strength we need to face the future.

But there is of course one over-riding fact about the world we live in, that we - like every other nation on this planet - have to face, and from which we cannot run away. We are the parents and the children of the nuclear age. We may not welcome it, we may fear it, we may even be haunted by it, but pretending it doesn’t exist is not a solution. Come what may it can’t be wished away. It’s not surprising therefore that the defence of the realm has crystallised in the course of this election as a major issue. If we do not value personal freedom, how can we value the freedom of a nation?

May I suggest to every citizen of our country, every man and every woman, of whatever political persuasion, that on Thursday you pause and ask yourself one question: who would best defend our freedom, our way of life, and the much loved land in which we live?


Britain’s on the right track. Don’t turn back.


As Britain approaches the end of the century, we have been with the same masters now for eighteen years.

We still have the talent, skills and inventiveness that we've always had, probably more so.

But in a rapidly changing world we seem somehow to have lost our sense of purpose.

Now someone has emerged who is determined to give it back to us.

He is the most talked-about politician of his generation.

They've called him everything, from Bambi to union basher, from public opinion courter to autocrat.

But one thing is undeniable.

In three short years, his energy and leadership has transformed his party.

What can he do for Britain?


Look. The Tories didn't get everything wrong in the eighties.

I mean. Let's just be honest about that. Admit it.

But Britain can do better.

We can make this country better than it is.

The Tories today are no longer the party of low taxes.

The fact is they broke their word on tax. They raised taxes twenty two times.

Ordinary familes have had massive tax rises under the Conservatives; the largest in peace time history.

Now I don't want to add to the burden of these families. They're hard working. I'd like to see them get their tax burden down.

That's why we've said we're not going to raise the basic rate or top rate of income tax.

Ask yourself this question.

(If) these Tories get back in for another five years, will we even have a National Health Service in the way that we've known it and grown up with it.

Now we've got to rebuild the National Health Service and as a start, we will spend a hundred million pounds by cutting that bureaucracy and putting it into cutting waiting lists.

Why should people have to put up with these levels of crime?

The fear. The abuse. The hassle.

Elderly people often afraid to go out of their own homes. Sometimes afraid to be in their own homes.

The Labour Party will take on this issue in every single aspect of it.

Tough on crime. Tough on the causes of crime.

I am a British patriot and I want the best out of Europe of Britain.

And we need a government that is going to lead in Europe, shape Europe. Not just follow along a Europe that's being shaped by others.

And a divided Conservative Party with weak leadership, fighting itself, cannot fight for Britain.

Education is the future of this country. If we don't give our kids the right education, they don't succeed, Britain doesn't succeed. That's why I've said for a Labour government, it's top three priorites: education, education, education.

And again we can make a start. For example, by reducing class sizes for all five, six and seven-year-olds in our primary schools to thirty or under. That we will do in the first five years of a Labour government.

Britain can be better. We can make this country better than it is.

And I am not going to promise anything that I can't deliver.

But I do tell you, that today's Labour Party, transformed as it is, with the strength of leadership and the strength of unity behind it, can make this country better.


After eighteen years of weak leadership, incompetence and broken promises, Britain deserves better.

Give Tony Blair your mandate on May the 1st and let him give Britain back its sense of purpose.


Estela said…
Today I have been trying these listenings. Now it´s time to rest. See you on monday.
Graham said…
It's funny to see how politicians and political broadcasts have changed over the years.

See you Monday.
Marta said…
Yes, it's true. The first video was very funny: that music from a scary movie while they show us images from strikes... and the direct message about the protection of liberty and property.
And Tony Blair's with the image of that dog as a metaphor of Britain.
I enjoyed them