Module 2 Vocab

Complete the following sentences with a word in the correct form.
  1. Most women agree that George Clooney is g.......
  2. I b..... i... an old friend while I was walking to work this morning.
  3. My car is at the garage. Can you g... me a l... home tonight?
  4. I won a p.... for swimming when I was at school.
  5. The children usually behave well but they were really n...... today.
  6. I sometimes s....... to understand my teacher's explanations.
  7. Can you r..... me to post the letter tomorrow?
  8. Colin b...... some of the younger children because he knows they are afraid of him.
  9. Sara is really b..... She has passed all her exams with top marks.
  10. I like a film with a good p... and a surprising ending.
  11. I used to collect stamps in my c....... I don't collect anything now.
  12. There is no rule. You just have to learn the expressions by h....


Hilde said…
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Graham said…
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