False Friends - Notorious and Eventually

I discovered two more False Friends the other day in class.

False Friends are words that sound similar but have different meanings (embarrassed - embarazoso, constipado - constipated, actually - actualmente, library - librería and so on).

Source: Wikipedia (Irekia)

Notorious means famous for something bad (de mala fama).
  • Jack the Ripper is one of Britain's most notorious serial killers.
  • Spain has become notorious for corruption.
  • The King is a notorious womanizer.
  • That company is notorious for paying low wages to its staff.
  • It's a notoriously difficult exam to pass.
  • She gained notoriety for being a difficult person to work with.

I looked up notorio and I see - well-known, famous, obvious, evident and noticeable.

In English you can say: 
  • It's a well-known fact that... 
  • He told a blatant (= obvious) lie
  • It was an obvious mistake
I don't know if you can use notorio for the examples above.  How would you use the word notario?

There is also a Hitchock film called Notorious. Have you seen it?

I hadn't realized that eventually and eventualmente are False Friends.

Eventually means that something happens after a long time (finalmente, con el tiempo).
  • They eventually agreed on a price. (after many hours of negotiations)
  • I might take a while but I'll get round to it eventually.
  • She eventually decided to wear the black dress. (after trying on ten dresses)
  • I eventually remembered where I'd left my keys. (I'd been looking for them for ages)
  • Don't worry. You will find the right girl eventually.

I looked up eventualmente and I found - occasionally, by chance and possibly.

In English you can say:
  • She occasionally comes to class.
  • They''ll possibly arrive early. 
But I don't think you can use eventualmente when translating these sentences.

Can you provide me with a few more examples of eventualmente?

Check out a previous post (with links) on False Friends and other posts on Confusing Words.


Anonymous said…
Hi Graham. This is Cristina. I've read this post and I've found it interesting. I didn't know that notorious and eventually were false friends.
See you tomorrow at four.
Anonymous said…
Hi Graham
It's Hilde
I've seen Notorius at least five times. I like it so much .The scene in the cellar during the party is so thrilling!!!!! and distressing¿?
See you
Graham said…

Have you ever seen Notorious?

You could try watching it with Rodrigo.
Graham said…
Hi Hilde,

I have seen it and I'm sure I enjoyed it but I remember very little about it.

I should watch it again.

Have you ever watched it in English?

The scene in the cellar during the party is so thrilling yet distressing.