Carry v Take v Wear

Wear, take and carry can be translated as llevar in Spanish so they are often confused.

We wear clothes, jewellery, etc ie we have them on our bodies.
  • I don't have to wear a suit to work on Fridays.
  • I don't like wearing glasses so I often use contact lenses.
  • What are you going to wear to the party on Saturday?

Take has different meanings. One of them is to move something or someone from one place to another.
  • She takes her children to school every morning.
  • I didn't take my umbrella with me today and I got soaked.
  • He took them to a nice restaurant.

Carry is similar in meaning to "take" - transporting something from one place to another but it has a more limited use. You usually use your hands and emphasis is more on the weight.
  • Can you carry the suitcase, please? It's too heavy for me.
  • If I have too much to drink, you'll have to carry me home.
  • What's that he is carrying? Is it a dog or child?

Complete the following sentences with one of the verbs in the correct form:

  1. Police in the UK ___ (not) guns.
  2. I ___ (not) these trousers for ages. I wonder if they will still fit me.
  3. I forgot ___ my glasses with me so we had to sit in the front row.
  4. ___ you ___ my keys? I can't find them.
  5. She ___ a big hat to her daughter's wedding.
  6. Would you mind ___ some of these books for me?
  7. She ___ (not) her ring today. I hope she hasn't lost it.
  8. We ___ a bottle of wine to the party.
  9. He __ his son on his shoulders so he could see the parade.
10. ___ you ___ Dad to the dentist's or am I?
11. You shouldn't ___ your wallet in your back pocket. Someone might steal it.
12. She never ___ red. It's a colour that doesn't suit her.


Anonymous said…
1. Police in the UK DON´T CARRY___ (not) guns.
2. I _WEAR__ these trousers for ages. I wonder if they will still fit me.
3. I forgot TAKING___ my glasses with me so we had to sit in the front row.
4. _DID__ you TAKE___ my keys? I can't find them.
5. She WORE___ a big hat to her daughter's wedding.
6. Would you mind CARRYING___ some of these books for me?
7. She __DOESN´T WEAR_ (not) her ring today. I hope she hasn't lost it.
8. We _TOOK__ a bottle of wine to the party.
9. He _TOOK_ his son on his shoulders so he could see the parade.
10. _COULD__ you TAKE___ Dad to the dentist's or am I?
11. You shouldn't CARRY___ your wallet in your back pocket. Someone might steal it.
12. She never WEARS___ red. It's a colour that doesn't suit her.
(Could you say in the last sentence “It's a colour that doesn't MATCH her”?)

Graham said…
Hi Nicolás!

I got tired of waiting for one of your classmates to try this exercise too.

2. I HAVEN'T WORN these trousers for ages. I wonder if they will still fit me. (Sorry, I didn't put "not")

3. I FORGOT TO TAKE my glasses with me so we had to sit in the front row.

4. DID you TAKE HAVE YOU TAKEN my keys? I can't find them.

7. She ISN'T WEARING her ring today. I hope she hasn't lost it.

9. He CARRIED his son on his shoulders so he could see the parade.

10. ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE Dad to the dentist's or AM I?

You can't say "it's a colour that doesn't match her".

You can say: her skirt doesn't match her blouse

Or ask: does this shirt GO WITH these trousers?

C u tmrw!
lucia said…

These are my sentences..

1. Police in the UK don’t carry guns.
2. I wear these trousers for ages. I wonder if they will still fit me.
3. I forgot wear my glasses with me so we had to sit in the front row.
4. Can you take my keys? I can't find them.
5. She is going to wear a big hat to her daughter's wedding.
6. Would you mind carry some of these books for me?
7. She doesn’n wear her ring today. I hope she hasn't lost it.
8. We’ll take a bottle of wine to the party.
We are going to take a bottle of wine to the party.
9. He took/carried his son on his shoulders so he could see the parade.
10. Do you take Dad to the dentist's or am I?
11. You shouldn't wear your wallet in your back pocket. Someone might steal it.
12. She never wears red. It's a colour that doesn't suit her.

Graham said…
Hi Lucía!

Here are the solutions:

1. Police in the UK don’t carry guns. (I think it is the only countryin Europe where you don't see police with guns on the streets)

2. I HAVEN'T WORN these trousers for ages. I wonder if they will still fit me. (Sorry, I didn't put not in the original sentence)

3. I FORGOT TO TAKE my glasses with me so we had to sit in the front row.

4. HAVE YOU TAKEN my keys? I can't find them.

5. She is going to wear a big hat to her daughter's wedding. OR She wore ...

6. Would you MIND carryING some of these books for me?

7. She ISN'T WEARING her ring today. I hope she hasn't lost it.(She doesn't wear a ring = generally speaking / she isn't wearing .. today = temporary)

8. We’ll take a bottle of wine to the party.
We are going to take a bottle of wine to the party. OR We took...

9. He CARRIED his son on his shoulders so he could see the parade.

10. ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE Dad to the dentist's or AM I(going to take him)?

11. You shouldn't CARRY your wallet in your back pocket. Someone might steal it.

Well done Luciti!
luciti said…
thanks Graham, I have to study more time.....
