Gangnam breaks record

Gangnam Style becomes YouTube's most-viewed video

Gangnam Style, the dance track by South Korean pop phenomenon Psy, has become You Tube's most-watched video of all time.

It has notched up more than 808m views since it was posted in July.

The video pokes fun at the consumerism of Gangnam, an affluent suburb of the South Korean capital Seoul.

In it, the portly Psy dances as though he is trotting on a horse, holding the reins and spinning a lasso in a manner that has sparked a global dance craze. 

The video also features the 34-year-old singer reclining on a sun lounger in tight pink shorts, gazing longingly at a girl dancing on an underground train in tight shorts and gesticulating at a woman working out on a beach - in tight shorts. 

The dance has sparked numerous copycat versions, being performed by a diverse fan-base including Filipino prison inmates, prominent Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and a Chinese robot

Popular parodies include one performed by Eton College schoolboys and another in the Star Trek language Klingon. 

Gangnam Style, which won best video at this year's MTV Europe Music Awards, has also been number one in 28 countries. 

It holds the Guinness World Record for the most "liked" song ever - currently with a little under 5.4m likes on YouTube. 

Previously, Justin Bieber's 2010 teenybopper hit Baby held the record for the most YouTube views. 

Bieber's manager Scooter Braun was the first person in the US to tweet a link to the Gangnam Style video.


a dance track -

to notch up -

to poke fun at -

portly (adj) -

to trot -

the reins -

to spin a lasso -

to spark -

a craze -

a sun lounger -

to gaze -
longingly -

to work out -

tight (adj) -

copycat (adj) -

a prison inmate -

an award -

to hold a record (held, held) -

a link -

What do you watch on You Tube?

What other crazes did you hate / join in?


Sir Joseph said…
Hi Graham,

I think I´m an unlettered because I don´t know who is Psy, neither Filipino, Ai Weiwei, Justin Bieber or Scooter Braun. Whether I know Ban Ki-moon. But isn´t only it is that, but I hadn´t heard what thing is Gangnam and now I have learned that it is a district on the South of Seul. What is more, I can´t imagine that Gangnam Style was a Korean song of a rapper. Everyday I learn more things, but it´s difficult for my is in craze music or dance.

I wonder people who work from where they find time to watch their email, twitter, youtube, app of the bank, the newspaper and so on. I don´t have time to watch You Tube. Anyway, I jump at the chance to send this link which is very interesting for me and I hope it will be for you:

My last craze is a starry night. I join in with stars and constellations with my friends in the summer. It´s very beautiful.

See you.
Graham said…
Good afternoon José,

I'm going to skip my siesta and reply to your comment, even though I am knackered after my half marathon this morning. I must have loads of stamina today.

Remember that you can click on any red words in the blog post to get extra info. You can also click on the tweets and it'll take you to Twitter (also click on any links within the tweet).

I liked the song Gangnam style - it was silly but fun - what is needed in life from time to time.

I think I´m uncultured / ignorant about popular culture (analfabeto can also translate as illiterate i.e. you can't read or write) because I don't know who Psy is, nor the Filipino prisoners, Ai Weiwei, Justin Bieber or Scooter Braun. However, I have heard of Ban Ki-moon. But (it's) not only that, I also did not know what Gangnam was. Now I have learned that it is a district in the South of Seoul. What is more, I could never have imagined that Gangnam Style was a Korean song by a rapper. Everyday I learn more things, but music and dance crazes are not normally my thing.

I wonder where people who work find time to look at their emails, Twitter, Youtube, bank apps, the newspaper and so on. I don´t have time to watch You Tube. Anyway, I jump at the chance to send this link which is very interesting for me and I hope it will be for you: (the link doesn't work - send it to me via Whatsapp)

My latest craze is contemplating a starry night. In the summer, I join my friends to admire the stars and constellations. They're very beautiful.