It's sunny at last!

Now that the sun has put in an appearance, I thought it was time to add to the rainy and cold weather lists.

Vocabulary for Hot Weather:

1. air conditioning /ˈɛər kənˌdɪʃənɪŋ/ - aire acondicionado

2. boiling /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ - hirviendo
3. bright /braɪt/ - brillante
4. clammy /ˈklæmi/ - húmedo
5. clear /klɪər/ - despejado
6. close /kloʊs/ - bochornoso
7. There isn't a cloud in the sky. /ðɛr ˈɪzənt ə klaʊd ɪn ðə skaɪ/ - No hay ni una nube en el cielo.
8. dry /draɪ/ - seco
9. a drought /draʊt/ - una sequía
10. hazy /ˈheɪzi/ - brumoso
11. heat /hiːt/ - calor
12. a heatwave /ˈhiːtweɪv/ - una ola de calor

13. humid /ˈhjuːmɪd/ - húmedo
14. to melt /mɛlt/ - derretirse
15. muggy /ˈmʌɡi/ - bochornoso
16. scorching /ˈskɔːrʧɪŋ/ - abrasador

17. shade /ʃeɪd/ - sombra
18. a shadow /ˈʃædoʊ/ - una sombra

19. sticky /ˈstɪki/ - pegajoso
20. sunny /ˈsʌni/ - soleado
21. sunshine /ˈsʌnʃaɪn/ - luz del sol
22. sunstroke /ˈsʌnˌstroʊk/ - insolación
23.  sweat /swɛt/ (v, n)- sudar

24. sweltering /ˈswɛltərɪŋ/ - sofocante
25. warm /wɔrm/ - cálido

Write some example sentences with  the words from above.


make hay while the sun shines - to make good use of an opportunity before things change and make it impossible for you to do it.
  • You'd better make hay while the sun shines and study for the exam while you have a bit of free time.

Try to complete the lyrics to Sunny by Boney M.
