Common Mistakes with Want

Unlike in Spanish, we never say "want that" in English.

Do you want that I go with you?  😡 

Do you want me to go with you?  😍              

Our boss wants that we work late this Friday.  😡

Our boss wants us to work late this Friday.  😍 

So the verb pattern is: want + sb + to + do stg

Translate the following sentences:
  1. Mi madre quiere que la recoja en el aeropuerto.
  2. Quiero que eches un vistazo cuando tengas un momento.
  3. Él no quiere que lo vean.
  4. Nuestro profe quiere que terminemos de leer el libro antes de fin de mes.
  5. ¿Quieres que te ayude?
  6. Queremos que lo pases muy bien.
  7. ¿Queréis que os haga la cena esta noche?
  8. No quería que parases lo que estabas haciendo.
  9. Quiero que ellos me devuelvan el dinero.
  10. Ella no quiere que él se entere.


Anonymous said…
Here you are:

1. Mi madre quiere que la recoja en el aeropuerto.
My mother wants me to pick her up at the airport
2. Quiero que eches un vistazo cuando tengas un momento.
I want you to have a look when you get a moment.
3. Él no quiere que lo vean.
He doesn´t want anybody to see him.
4. Nuestro profe quiere que terminemos de leer el libro antes de fin de mes.
Our teacher wants us to finish reading the book before the end of the month.
5. ¿Quieres que te ayude?
Do you want me to help you?
6. Queremos que lo pases muy bien.
We want you to have a good time.
7. ¿Queréis que os haga la cena esta noche?
Do you want me to cook dinner tonight?
8. No quería que parases lo que estabas haciendo.
I didn´t want you to stop what you were doing.
9. Quiero que ellos me devuelvan el dinero.
I want them to get my money back.
10. Ella no quiere que él se entere.
She doesn´t want him to know.

See you tomorrow,

Graham said…
Hi Nicolas!

Here are the corrections:

1. Mi madre quiere que la recoja en el aeropuerto.
My mother wants me to pick her up at/from the airport.

2. Quiero que eches un vistazo cuando tengas un momento.
I want you to have a look when you get/have a moment.

3. Él no quiere que lo vean.
He doesn´t want them to see him. (anybody = everybody, them = specific people)

4. Nuestro profe quiere que terminemos de leer el libro antes de fin de mes.
Our teacher wants us to finish reading the book before/by the end of the month.

6. Queremos que lo pases muy bien.
We want you to have a good time. (I was told that the Spanish sentence doesn't sound right - "esperamos" sounds better.)

7. ¿Queréis que os haga la cena esta noche?
Do you want me to cook/make dinner tonight?

9. Quiero que ellos me devuelvan el dinero.
I want them to give me my money back. (get my money back = que me gestionen un reembolso)

10. Ella no quiere que él se entere.
She doesn´t want him to know/find out.

You got most of them right. I have just suggested an alternative.

Well done!
Hi Graham! I didn't see the correct answers, I promise!

1. My mother wants me to pick her up in the airport.
2. I want you to see this when you have a moment.
3. He doesn't want us to see him.
4. Our teacher wants us to finish to read the book by the end of the month.
5. Do you want me to help you?
6. We want you to have a nice time.
7. Do you want me to make dinner tonight?
8. I didn't want you give whatever you doing.
9. I want them to refund.
10. She doesn't want him to know.

See you!
Graham said…
Hi Jose Luis!

I believe you - thousands wouldn't.

1. My mother wants me to pick her up at/from the airport.

3. He doesn't want them to see him.

4. Our teacher wants us to finish reading the book by the end of the month.

8. I didn't want you stop what you were doing.

9. I want them to give me my money back / give me a refund.

10. She doesn't want him to know /find out.