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Remember that you can also read and make comments about posts from the past; not just the recent ones! There are two ways to access past posts - either through the archives or labels.

Among the posts from Novembers past:

November 2009:
November 2008:
November 2007:

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José said…
Hi Graham,

It seems that it was yesterday. The fall of the Berlin wall is yesteryear already. I celebrated this event and I have a piece of wall at home. I believe that it is true, because my friend brought a little stone and she told me that is was genuine. You wrote this post in 2009 and we are in 2016. There's no point in counting years if we are young for ever, especially me.

The communism has wasted so much time going against the History and they don't learn it. A crowd were leading up to fall it previously and another crowd basks in the limelight after. Finally, the Berlin wall toppled like drizzle and the world has the joy of chanting candlelit to it. I hope it doesn't turn round again.

I wish you all the best.
Graham said…
Hi José,

I was in my last year at school when the Berlin wall came down.

It was a time of hope. Little did we know then that we would be living in even more dangerous times now.

Thatcher and Mitterand did not want the immediate reunification of Germany. Since we have an EU dominated by the Germans today, I think they had a point.

It seems like yesterday. The fall of the Berlin wall is yesteryear already. I celebrated this event and I have a piece of the wall at home. I don't think that it is fake because my friend brought a little stone and she told me that it was real. You wrote this post in 2009 and we are in 2016. There's no point in counting years if we are young forever, especially me.

The communism has wasted so much time going against history and they still haven't learnt from it. Previously, a crowd lead to the wall being pulled down and another crowd basked in the limelight immediately after. Finally, the Berlin wall toppled like drizzle and the world had the joy of chanting candlelit to it. I hope it doesn't turn round again.

Rather than cryptic, I'd say that this comment was poetic. :-)