Module 6 Vocab

Complete the following with a word in the correct form.
  1. I used to watch Dynasty but my favourite s___ o____ was Dallas.
  2. She cried when she was told the u________ news.
  3. He was f____ for driving at 80kph in a 30kph zone.
  4. I only leave a t__ if I am happy with the service.
  5. I love the song but I don't understand all the l_____.
  6. Cruz will s___ in the latest Woody Allen film.
  7. What were the h________ in the news this morning?
  8. Millions of dollars were r_____ to help the country after the earthquake.
  9. She t________ to tell everyone his secret if he didn't give her the money.
  10. I was absolutely d________ when she told me the good news.
  11. They h_______ the plane and made the pilot fly to a different airport.
  12. The p___ was a bit too complicated and I didn't really understand the ending.
  13. We've been having really d_______ weather recently - cold, rain, snow... I need some sunshine.
  14. The film is s__ in 18th century Paris.
  15. She has a really a_______ voice. I change channels whenever she comes on TV.


Miriam said…
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Graham said…
My weekend has been tiring but it doesn't take a lot to tire me these days. :-)

I still haven't watched the Hitchcock you gave me. I will do in the next few days.

The only mistakes that I can see are:

9. A threat (n) to threaten (v) so: She threatened to tell everyone his secret.

13. It is unusual to describe weather as disgusting. Dreadful would be a better word. Disgusting can mean unacceptable or so unpleasant that it makes you feel sick. eg
I think it is disgusting how the politicians have behaved.
He hadn't emptied his fridge in ages. The smell was disgusting.