#WOTD Week 1

Here are week one's Word Of The Day #WOTD. Click on tweets to respond to them and write some of your own example sentences.






  1. The hula hoop was a popular fad in the 1950s that eventually faded away.
  2. She quickly lost interest in the latest diet fad and went back to her usual eating habits.
  3. The fidget spinner craze turned out to be just another fad that kids moved on from within months.
  4. He refused to buy into the fashion fad, preferring his timeless style.
  5. Social media has a way of making certain trends seem like a fad that everyone must follow.
  6. The company invested heavily in a technology that turned out to be a short-lived fad.
  7. Many people consider cryptocurrency to be more than just a passing fad.
  8. The health food fad brought many new organic products to the market.
  9. Despite being called a fad, yoga has remained popular for decades.
  10. Her interest in pottery started as a fad but grew into a lifelong passion.

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  1. "He made a bloody mess in the kitchen after trying to cook dinner."
  2. "That was a bloody brilliant idea you had for the party!"
  3. "I'm bloody exhausted after working a double shift today."
  4. "Did you see that? It was a bloody miracle we didn't crash!"
  5. "She gave me a bloody nose during the fight."
  6. "It's bloody cold outside, better wear your coat."
  7. "He always leaves his bloody socks all over the floor."
  8. "That bloody dog has chewed up my shoes again."
  9. "We had a bloody good time at the concert last night."
  10. "The bloody car broke down again, and we're stranded."

In UK English, "bloody" is often used for emphasis, either to express strong feelings (positive or negative) or to intensify an adjective or situation.

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  1.  She worked tirelessly to overcome her fears of public speaking.
  2. With determination and support, he managed to overcome his addiction.
  3. The team had to overcome significant challenges to win the championship.
  4. After years of therapy, she was able to overcome her trauma.
  5. The community came together to overcome adversity and rebuild after the disaster.
  6. His innovative approach helped the company overcome financial difficulties.
  7. The inspirational story of how he overcame his disabilities touched many hearts.
  8. They needed to overcome bureaucratic obstacles to get the project approved.
  9. Through perseverance, she was able to overcome language barriers and succeed in a foreign country.
  10. He used meditation and exercise to overcome stress and improve his well-being.

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In the quaint town of Everwood, a peculiar fad had taken hold of its residents: high-wire walking. Every Sunday, the townsfolk gathered at the park to watch the daring individuals balance on a thin wire stretched between two ancient oaks. The trend, started by an eccentric traveller named Milo, had quickly become the talk of the town.

Among the enthusiasts was a young woman named Clara. Determined to overcome her lifelong fear of heights, she practiced day and night. Her hands were sore, and her muscles ached, but Clara's resolve was stronger than ever. With each step, she imagined herself floating gracefully above the ground, free from the shackles of her anxiety.

One Sunday, the crowd was larger than usual. The sun shone brightly, casting long shadows on the ground. Clara stood at the edge of the wire, her heart pounding. She took a deep breath and stepped onto the wire, her arms outstretched for balance. The crowd held its breath.

Halfway across, a sudden gust of wind shook the wire. Clara's heart skipped a beat. She wobbled, her arms flailing. The crowd gasped. In that split second, with the ground seemingly miles below, she felt her courage plummet.

But then, in a moment of bloody determination, Clara regained her balance. She steadied herself, her eyes focused on the tree ahead. With hindsight, she realised it was her fear that had almost made her fall, not the wind. Every step forward was a victory over the fear that had haunted her for so long.

When Clara finally reached the other side, the crowd erupted in applause. She had done it. Overcome not only the wire but her own inner demons.

However, the triumph came with a fine. The town council, worried about the safety of such stunts, had implemented a penalty for unauthorised high-wire acts. Clara paid it gladly, knowing that the cost was nothing compared to the freedom she felt.

As the fad of high-wire walking began to fade, Clara's story remained. It was a tale of courage and perseverance, a reminder that sometimes, the most daunting challenges can be overcome with bloody determination and a clear vision, even if only in hindsight.

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Translate the following sentences (the idea, not necessarily word for word) using a #WOTD from above.

  1. La multa por exceso de velocidad fue muy alta.
  2. Después de la maratón, tenía los músculos muy doloridos.
  3. En retrospectiva, fue una mala idea invertir todo nuestro dinero en ese negocio.
  4. La temperatura cayó en picado durante la noche.
  5. El uso de las zapatillas con luces fue una moda pasajera en los años noventa.
  6. ¡Ese examen fue condenadamente difícil!
  7. Logró superar todos los obstáculos para graduarse con honores.
  8. Aunque la máquina estaba rota, se logró reparar con una multa baja.
  9. Me duele mucho la garganta después de gritar tanto en el concierto.
  10. La perspectiva que da el tiempo muestra que deberíamos haber tomado otra decisión.
  11. Las acciones de la empresa se desplomaron tras el anuncio de pérdidas.
  12. La dieta de jugos se ha convertido en una moda entre las celebridades.
  13. ¡No puedo creer que haya olvidado mi maldita cartera otra vez!
  14. Con mucho esfuerzo, pudo vencer su miedo a volar.

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Anonymous said…
Hi Graham,

1.- Yes. I got a fine a lot of years ago. The fine was for speeding in Madrid, I went 84 Km. per hour, while the speed limit was 80 Km. per hour. In my opinion it was an unfair. I was fined €200, but with the reduced price and therefore I paid €90.

2.- I hate the cold call. Everyday they call me more of 10 times. The Government should ban it because annoy people and it is motive of wasting of time. I reckon it should punish every company which sells products by the cold call with a small or big fine.

3.- The two number has a mistake, it should be: “The police gave me a fine for speeding”.

4.- The boss behaves bad because is an animal, he isn´t like a bear, he is a bear or a boar. Who is bad man, behaves bad. There are not excuses, although he has a sore head or sore throat, he mustn´t behave bad. If you are boss should be balanced because there are people who depend of you and they don´t deserve bad mood. If a boss said that he has a sore head is coward or a lizard.

5.- I had a sore back after doing the garden in my village, during my last holiday, although I suppose that the reason was my youth. Then, I went to rest because I always had heard that, in this case, it´s necessary to rest, but my family told me that all together may go out to hiking. They persuaded me and I only remember that my back was sore at the beginning. When we came back home they ask me is I had a sore back and I felt completely well. Therefore, walking was good to my back, instead that people said about rest.

See you.
Graham said…
Hello José,

There's a hell of a lot of stuff to go through in this post. If I were you, I'd take note of the seven #WOTD and scan through the example sentences. I'd then focus on the words you want to learn. Click on the tweets and write sentences of your own in X. Do the Quizlets. Take a note of any collocations.

1.- Yes, I got a fine many years ago. The fine was for speeding in Madrid, I was going at 84kph when the speed limit was 80 km per hour. In my opinion it was unfair. I was fined €200, but with the reduced price I ended up paying €90.

2.- I hate cold calls. They call me more than 10 times every day. The Government should ban them because they annoy people and they are a complete waste of time. I reckon it should punish every company which sells products by cold call with either a small or big fine.

3.- Number two has a mistake, it should be: “The police gave me a fine for speeding”.

4.- Bosses behave badly because they are animals, they aren't like bears, they are bears or boars. Who is a bad man behaves badly. There are no excuses even if they have a sore head or sore throat, they mustn't behave badly. Bosses should be balanced because there are people who depend on them and they don't deserve bad mood. If a boss says that he has a sore head then he is a coward or a lizard. (I'll just pretend I could decipher all that)

5.- I had a sore back after doing the garden in my village, during my last holiday, although I suppose that the reason was my youth. Then, I went to rest because I have always heard that it´s necessary to take it easy after physically hard work, but my family wanted me to join them all for a hike. They persuaded me and I remember that my back was sore at the beginning. When we came back home, they asked me if I had a sore back and I felt completely well. Therefore, walking was good for/b> my back, instead of resting as many people think.

I agree with you that gardening is hard work. I've also suffered a sore back after a day doing the garden. What's more, it's never-ending. I do like it nonetheless and I find it rewarding.
Sir Joseph said…
Hi Graham,

1. Hula is a special dance of Hawaiian people and the hoop is a ring, in consequence, the hula hoop is a dance with a ring. I have just understood the origin of the hula hoop because I didn´t know it. I remember the fad of the hula hoop, but I continued seeing it in the parks of Madrid. It´s possible that it was fad another time.

2. She lost interest in the last dietetic fad sharply, which included vegetables, fruits, water, legumes, cereal, nuts, seeds and tofu. After seven months, she started to feel bad, she went to the doctor, he told her that she had lack of nutrients, anaemia, diarrhoea and lack of the myeline, then, she returned to her usual food custom sharply.

3. The fidget spinner was a gyratory toy to enjoy and to relax. It has three propellers glued to the centre and they spin. After several months, some people showed that the spinner would may dangerous for children and, then, authorities banned them in some countries. It was the end of the fad of the fidget spinner.

4. When he was young always bought clothing in fashion shops following the fad. His friends called him posh. Every year he spent a lot of money about dresses and he accumulated many clothes in his wardrobe. He had to throw them to the chugger. Suddenly, he refused this behaviour and began to buy timeless style such as suits and jeans pants.

See you.