Did Rajoy make a gaffe or speak the truth?

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia preside over the military parade

The royal couple took the salute in what was a smaller display than normal.

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, together with the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, presided over the military parade on the Day of the Armed Forces yesterday.

Also in attendance was the leader of the Partido Popular, Mariano Rajoy, who described the parade the previous day as a ‘coñazo’ – pain in the arse – speaking without realising that a microphone was open and tape recorders were running. He later apologised for his comments.

More than 4,600 soldiers took part in yesterday’s parade in the Plaza de Colón in Madrid, with the flags from 13 countries represented, including the United States.

The Prince and Princess of Asturias were also in attendance and the Minister for Defence, Carme Chacón greeted the several Spanish missions abroad by video.

The flypast was on a smaller scale this year, because of the meteorological conditions, with no helicopters or transport planes, or parachutists making their normal jump into the square.

Source: typicallyspanish

As someone who often puts his foot in it himself, I can sympathize with Rajoy. He should have been more careful, but I am sure many of the people agree with him: the military parade is a "pain in the arse".

Can you think of any other famous gaffes?


José said…
Hi Graham,

In Spain there are a lot of gaffes. Spanish politicians are used to putting his foot in it often. Do you remember when Mr. Trillo, who was the Presidente of the Spanish Parliament in 1977, said “manda huevos”? It was because he had to read a big and complex title about a very difficult law. However, the funniest gaffe was when Mr. Trillo said: “Viva Honduras” and he was in Salvador.

Another gaffe was when Esperanza Aguirre said to Gallardón:”We haven’t got un puto duro”.

Rajoy put his foot in other situations, as: “Viva el vino”or “ETA es una gran nación”. Aznar said in the European Parliament: “Vaya coñazo que he soltao”. Another gaffe of José Bono was: “Estoy hasta los huevos”. Another politician Rafael Centeno said: “Los moros que se vuelvan a Marruecos, que es donde tienen que estar” this person had to resign because it was a racist comment.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero put his foot in other situations as when he said: “Debemos favorecer, impulsar y follar…apoyar el turismo ruso”.

As you can see it, Spanish politicians put his foot in oftentimes. You have to understand that these events were because they didn’t shut up the microphone in general. It means that they are putting their foot in constantly.

See you.
Graham said…
Hi José,

I can sympathise with politicians. I dread to think how many gaffes I would make if I were in the public eye. I am great at putting my foot in it.

... Spanish politicians are used to putting their foot in it. ...

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero put his foot in it other situations like when he said: “Debemos favorecer, impulsar y follar…apoyar el turismo ruso”.

As you can see, Spanish politicians put their foot in it often. You have to understand that these events were usually because they didn’t turn off the microphone. It means that they are putting their foot in constantly.

manda huevos = bollocks!

no tenemos ni un puto duro = we haven't got a f***ing penny

viva el vino! = long live wine! (I don't understand why this was considered a gaffe)

Estoy hasta los huevos = I'm sick and (f****ing) tired of it.