#WOTD Week 3

Here are week three's Word of the Day. Click on the tweets to respond to them and write some of your own example sentences.









Don't worry. I don't expect you to answer all the following questions. Just answer a few.

  1. What are you particularly keen on doing during your free time, and why?
  2. Have you ever been keen to visit a specific country or city? What attracts you to that place?
  3. What would you like to see banned? Can you think of a ban that you disagreed with?
  4. How do you feel about the idea of banning junk food advertisements? Would it make a difference?
  5. In your opinion, is it better to ban things outright or to educate people about their dangers?
  6. Do you believe that achieving great feats requires natural talent or hard work?
  7. What feats do you admire in others? Is it their talent, perseverance, or something else?
  8. Do you think people owe society anything, like following the law or helping others?
  9. Is there a time when you felt you owed yourself something, like a reward or a break? What did you do?
  10. Do you consider yourself a thorough person? How do you ensure you don’t miss any details?
  11. When was the last time you thoroughly enjoyed an activity or event? What made it so special?
  12. What country would you thoroughly recommend visiting: Why?
  13. Is there something that bothers you about social media or technology? What is it, and why does it bother you?
  14. Are there things you don't bother to do that perhaps you should really do?
  15. Do you prefer to purchase things online or in person? Why?
  16. Have you ever regretted a purchase? What was it, and why did you feel that way?

The Loyal Companion

Charlie was an ordinary dog, but to his owner, Emily, he was everything. From the moment she brought him home as a pup, Charlie had been her constant companion. He was keen on making her happy, always wagging his tail whenever she entered the room. They shared a bond that was unbreakable, one built on trust, love, and countless shared experiences.

One day, Emily decided to take Charlie on a special trip to the local market. She needed to purchase some fresh vegetables and thought Charlie would enjoy the outing. The market was bustling with people, but Charlie stayed close by her side, not bothered by the noise or the crowds. He was thoroughly enjoying the adventure, his nose twitching at all the new scents.

As they wandered through the stalls, Emily noticed a sign that read, "No Dogs Allowed." The market had recently imposed a ban on pets due to health regulations. Emily hadn’t realized this before coming, and she felt a pang of guilt for not checking. She knew she had to leave, but Charlie seemed so excited to be there.

“I’m sorry, Charlie,” Emily said, scratching behind his ears. “We have to go. They’ve banned dogs from the market.”

Charlie didn’t seem to mind. He was just happy to be with Emily, wherever they went. They left the market and headed to a nearby park instead. As they walked, Emily couldn’t shake the feeling that she owed Charlie something special for cutting their trip short.

The next day, Emily decided to make it up to him. She had heard about a new dog park that had just opened on the other side of town. It was a long walk, but she knew Charlie would love it. The park was designed specifically for dogs, with wide open spaces, agility courses, and even a small pond.

It wasn’t an easy feat to get there; the walk was long, and they had to cross several busy streets. But Charlie trotted along beside her, his enthusiasm never waning. When they finally arrived, his eyes lit up with excitement. Emily let him off the leash, and Charlie took off like a rocket, running and playing with other dogs.

Watching him, Emily felt a deep sense of satisfaction. She had been thorough in her planning, ensuring that Charlie would have the time of his life. As she sat on a bench, watching him splash in the pond, she knew she had made the right decision.

After a couple of hours of play, it was time to head home. Charlie was exhausted but happy, his fur damp from the pond and his eyes drooping with tiredness. Emily couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him, her loyal companion who never seemed to be bothered by anything as long as they were together.

That night, as they curled up on the couch, Emily whispered to Charlie, “I owe you so much, buddy. You bring so much joy into my life.”

Charlie, too tired to respond, simply rested his head on her lap, content and at peace. He didn’t need grand gestures or special outings—just being with Emily was enough for him.

Local Community Rallies Against Proposed Ban on Pet-Friendly Parks

In a move that has sparked controversy among local pet owners, the city council is considering a ban on pets in several public parks. The proposed legislation comes in response to recent complaints about cleanliness and safety, with some residents claiming that the presence of pets is becoming a bother. However, the ban has been met with strong opposition from the community, particularly from those who owe much of their daily happiness to their loyal furry companions.

Many dog owners have voiced their concerns, stating that this ban would unfairly punish responsible pet owners who already take thorough care to clean up after their animals. Emily Parker, a local resident and dog enthusiast, shared her thoughts: "I find this proposed ban extremely disheartening. I’ve always been keen on taking my dog, Charlie, to the park. It’s where he gets his exercise and social interaction. We shouldn’t be penalized for the actions of a few irresponsible individuals."

The discussion around the ban has also highlighted the need for more pet-friendly spaces in the community. Advocates are calling for a more balanced approach, suggesting that instead of a complete ban, the city could invest in designated pet areas within parks. This could be a feasible solution, with some pointing out that the recent purchase of new land near the river could be developed into a dedicated dog park.

City officials have promised to conduct a thorough review before making any final decisions. They recognize that enforcing such a ban would be no easy feat and would require significant community support. A public hearing has been scheduled for next month, where residents will have the opportunity to express their opinions and concerns.

In the meantime, local pet owners are rallying together, collecting signatures for a petition that opposes the ban. Many are hopeful that their voices will be heard and that a compromise can be reached that benefits both pet owners and those concerned about park conditions.

"We just want to ensure that our pets have a place to run and play," said Emily. "After all, they’re a part of our families, and we owe it to them to fight for their rights."

As the debate continues, it’s clear that the community is eager to find a solution that balances the needs and desires of all residents, both human and canine alike.

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