Vote or serve the country or just stay in bed?

Two election issues that affect teenagers

In the lead-up to the UK election, several significant proposals are being debated, including the idea of lowering the voting age to 16 and the reintroduction of national service.

The proposal to lower the voting age has garmered attention from various political parties and activists. 

Advocates argue that 16-year-olds are mature enough to engage in the democratic process and should be granted the right to vote. They point out that 16-year-olds are legally allowed to work, pay taxes, and join the armed forces, indicating their level of responsibility and contribution to society. 

Additionallyproponents of this idea believe that involving younger individuals in elections can foster a sense of civic duty from an earlier age, potentially leading to increased political engagement and representation of youth issues in government. 

However, opponents of lowering the voting age express concerns about the readiness of 16-year-olds to make informed decisions about complex political issues. They argue that younger voters may lack the necessary life experience and maturity to understand the implications of their choices fully

Some critics also worry that lowering the voting age could lead to increased political polarisation and could be exploited by political parties seeking to gain support from impressionable young voters.

Meanwhile, the Conservative Party, known as the Tories, has proposed the reintroduction of national service. 

National service is a program in which young people are required to spend a designated period serving their country, typically in areas such as the military, community service, or public sector. 

Proponents of national service argue that it instils a sense of duty and responsibility in young people, promotes a stronger sense of national identity and unity, and helps develop valuable skills such as teamwork and leadership. 

They believe that national service can provide opportunities for young people to give back to their communities and gain valuable life experiences. 

However, critics of this proposal are concerned about potential infringements on individual freedoms and autonomy. 

They argue that mandatory national service may not be suitable for all young people and could impose unnecessary burdens on those who wish to pursue other opportunities, such as further education or employment. 

Some opponents also question the practicalities and costs associated with implementing a national service program, including logistical challenges and the allocation of resources.

Both of these proposals have sparked lively debates across the country, with supporters and opponents presenting their arguments on the potential benefits and drawbacks of each. 

It's an important issue that will likely continue to be discussed leading up to the election, as voters consider the implications of these proposed changes for the future of the nation and its young citizens.

Read one man's experience of National Service:

When I was 18, national service was compulsory. At first, I was nervous and reluctant, but it turned out to be one of the most formative experiences of my life. I was assigned to community service, helping to rebuild schools in underprivileged areas.

The work was hard, and the days were long, but I learned invaluable skills. I became disciplined, organised, and learned the importance of teamwork. We were a diverse group, coming from different backgrounds, yet we bonded over our shared mission. I still remember the smiles on the children's faces when we finished the school building.

National service taught me about sacrifice and the impact we can have on others' lives. It instilled a sense of pride and responsibility in me that stayed throughout my life. Even though it was challenging, I believe national service is crucial for young people. It shapes character and creates a sense of unity. Now, as an old man, I look back on those days with fondness and gratitude.

Complete the following sentences with a verb in a suitable form or a preposition to make a Phrasal Verb (though Nº 7 technically isn't).

  1. Many young people *sign __ for national service every year.
  2. Participants are expected to *carry __ various tasks during their national service.
  3. He decided to *take __ the  challenge of national service.
  4. Basic training can be tough, but most recruits __ through it.
  5. She is __ forward to starting her national service in the community health sector.
  6. He *put __ a lot of effort during his national service.
  7. All citizens are encouraged to __ part in national service.
  8. Volunteering and military duties *make __ the bulk of national service activities.
  9. Participants might *__ into challenges during their service period.
  10. Despite the difficulties, he decided to carry __ with his national service.
*examples of (verb + noun) collocations

Read this argument against votes for 16-year-olds.

Lowering the voting age to 16 is a misguided proposal that could have detrimental effects on our democracy. At 16, many young people lack the maturity and life experience to make informed decisions about complex political issues. They may be easily influenced by peer pressure swayed by emotional appeals, leading to uninformed voting and potentially harmful outcomes.

Furthermore, 16-year-olds are still in school and may not have the time or resources to educate themselves about political candidates and policies. They may lack the critical thinking skills necessary to evaluate the consequences of their voting choices. Allowing them to vote could result in decisions based on impulse rather than reasoned judgement.

Moreover, lowering the voting age could lead to increased polarisation and divisiveness in politics. Young people may vote based on their parents' or teachers' influence rather than their own independent beliefs, further entrenching existing political divides.

In conclusion, while it's important to engage young people in politics, lowering the voting age to 16 is not the solution. Instead, we should focus on improving civic education and encouraging political participation through other means, such as youth organisations and community engagement initiatives.

Verb Patterns Quiz

1. She enjoys ___ to political debates.

a) to listen

b) listening

c) of listening


2. They discussed ___ the voting age.

a) changing

b) to change

c) of changing


3. Young people may struggle ___ the balance between national service and their personal lives.

a) finding

b) to find


4. The government plans ___ the voting age.

a) lowering

b) to lower


5. We need ___ the opinions of young people.

a) hearing

b) to hear


6. He suggested ___ more opportunities for youth engagement.

a) creating

b) to create


7. The politicians are considering ___ the voting age.

a) raising

b) to raise

c) of raising


8. They admitted ___ about the potential impact.

a) of worrying

b) to worry

c) to worrying


9. We anticipate ___ the voting age.

a) increasing

b) to increase

c) for increasing


10. She avoided ___ in political discussions.

a) participating  

b) to participate  


11. The activists campaigned ___ the voting age.

a) lowering

b) to lower


12. They succeeded ___ the voting age in their country.

a) for lowering

b) to lower

c) in lowering

13. The experts recommended ___ more research on the topic.

a) conducting

b) to conduct


14. She believes ___ the voting age could lead to increased political engagement.

a) lowering

b) to lower 

Chat GPT generated texts and quizzes then modified

Now write a text from the point of view of an 18-year-old who is against National Service or imagine that you are a 16-year-old who wants to vote (do both if you are feeling adventurous).


Barbara said…
Pros to votes at 16 years old
First of all, allowed people vote at 16 years old could be something good to involve the people inthe community, besides to take responsability early about their social responsabilities. It Will be something like enter into the adult Life, at the same age they could work or pay taxes.
Furthermore, reducing the age of voting could be mean to oblied the people to grown Up early, and be concius about the meaning of voaging.
In conclusion, there are no difference between vote at 18 or 16, justo It could implied people take responsabilities early, and be more consious about the decision they take can affect everybody.

1. Sing Up
2.carry om
3. Take on
6 out
1. I enjoy surfing but lately it's difficult to find the moment for going.
2.we were discussed about how to answerd the question.
3. I am struggling with no eat bread at night
Graham said…
Hi Bárbara,

This is what GPT had to say about your comment:

Your student has some good points, but their response could use some refinement in terms of clarity, grammar, and depth. Here's a revised version of their response:

Pros to Allowing 16-Year-Olds to Vote

First of all, allowing people to vote at 16 years old could be beneficial for community involvement. It encourages young people to take responsibility for their social duties early. This early engagement in voting can be seen as >a rite of passage into adulthood, similar to obtaining the ability to work or pay taxes at that age.

Furthermore, lowering the voting age to 16 might prompt young people to mature earlier and develop a strong awareness of the importance of voting. It could foster a sense of civic duty and help them understand that their decisions can have a significant impact on society.

In conclusion, there isn't a substantial difference between voting at 18 or 16. However, allowing 16-year-olds to vote could help them take on responsibilities earlier and become more conscious of how their choices affect everyone.

This revision improves grammar, structure, and clarity while maintaining the original ideas presented by your student.

1. Many young people sign up for national service every year.
2. Participants are expected to carry out various tasks during their national service.
3. He decided to take on the challenge of national service.
4. Basic training can be tough, but most recruits get through it.
5. She is looking forward to starting her national service in the community health sector.
6. He put in a lot of effort during his national service.
7. All citizens are encouraged to take part in national service.
8. Volunteering and military duties make up the bulk of national service activities.
9. Participants might run into challenges during their service period.
10. Despite the difficulties, he decided to carry on with his national service.

Sign up for: To register or enrol in a service, course, or activity.

Translation: Muchos jóvenes se inscriben en el servicio nacional cada año.

Carry out: To perform or complete a task or duty.

Translation: Se espera que los participantes lleven a cabo varias tareas durante su servicio nacional.

Take on: To accept or face a challenge or responsibility.

Translation: Él decidió aceptar el desafío del servicio nacional.

Get through: To successfully deal with or complete a difficult experience or period.

Translation: El entrenamiento básico puede ser duro, pero la mayoría de los reclutas lo superan.

Look forward to: To anticipate or be excited about a future event.

Translation: Ella espera con ansias empezar su servicio nacional en el sector de salud comunitaria.

Put in: To spend time or effort on an activity.

Translation: Él puso mucho esfuerzo durante su servicio nacional.

Take part in: To participate in an activity or event.

Translation: Se anima a todos los ciudadanos a participar en el servicio nacional.

Make up: To constitute or form a part of something.

Translation: El voluntariado y las tareas militares constituyen la mayor parte de las actividades del servicio nacional.

Run into: To encounter or experience difficulties or problems unexpectedly.

Translation: Los participantes pueden encontrarse con desafíos durante su período de servicio.

Carry on: To continue doing something despite difficulties.

Translation: A pesar de las dificultades, él decidió continuar con su servicio nacional.