T - W Body Words

If you do something by the skin of your teeth, you only just succeed in doing it

  • Djokovic made it through to the final by the skin of his teeth.

have a sweet tooth -

  •  Despite her efforts to eat healthily, Maria's sweet tooth often leads her to indulge in chocolate and pastries.

rule of thumb -  a practical and approximate way of doing or measuring something (por norma general,  regla de oro)

  • As a rule of  thumb, you should save 20% of your income.
  • A good rule of thumb is to not sign immediately. 

thumbs-up - used to show approval of something

  • I got a thumbs-up from the boss to proceed with the plan.
  • She needed some convincing but in the end she gave me the thumbs-up.

If a word, name or answer is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it.

  • What's his girlfriend's name?   - It's a strange name. It's on the tip of my tongue. Damn.
  •  If a word is on the tip of your tongue, think of the first letter. It sometimes helps.

tongue-in-cheek - said or done as a joke

  •   There's no need to get upset. It was said tongue-in-cheek.

tongue-tied - having difficulty to express yourself, usually because you are nervous

  • As the pressure mounted during the debate, the politician became tongue-tied and struggled to articulate his arguments effectively.
  • When meeting her favourite celebrity, Emily found herself tongue-tied and starstruck, unable to form coherent sentences.

tongue twister - a sentence or phrase that is intended to be difficult to say, especially when repeated quickly and often

  • As part of their language exercises, the students practised reciting tongue twisters to improve their pronunciation and articulation.
  • Which tongue twister is more difficult Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter's bitter.or She sells seashells by the seashore?

Someone or something that keeps you on your toes forces you to continue directing all your attention and energy to what you are doing

  • When giving a presentation, it's essential to keep on your toes and be prepared to answer any questions from the audience.
  • I've been kept on my toes all this month. There's been so much going on.

toe  the line - to do what you are expected to do without causing trouble for anyone

  • As a politician, she had to toe the party line, even when she disagreed with some of the decisions.
  • The coach made it clear that anyone who didn't toe the line with the team's rules would face consequences.

a slap on the wrist - a gentle warning or punishment

  • Despite the seriousness of his offense, the judge gave him only a slap on the wrist, resulting in a minor fine.
  • She got a slap on the wrist for missing the deadline, with just a mild reprimand from her supervisor.

Write some example sentences of your own.

Here are a couple of short stories which use some of the expressions from above:

Lily had always had a sweet tooth. One sunny afternoon, she visited the new bakery in town. The smell of fresh pastries made her mouth water. As she reached the counter, she suddenly felt tongue-tied, overwhelmed by the variety of delicious treats.

The baker smiled warmly, waiting patiently. Lily finally managed to order a slice of chocolate cake. As she enjoyed every bite, she overheard the baker talking to a young boy. The boy was being scolded for not toeing the line while working in the kitchen.

Feeling brave, Lily approached the boy and the baker. "Excuse me," she said, her voice steady, "I couldn't help but notice. Perhaps he just needs a bit more guidance."

The baker nodded, appreciating Lily's kind words. With her sweet tooth satisfied, Lily left the bakery, feeling proud of her courage.

Jake had always been a bit of a procrastinator. One day, he realized he had a major project due the next morning. He worked tirelessly through the night and managed to finish it by the skin of his teeth. Exhausted but relieved, he submitted the project just minutes before the deadline.

The next day, his teacher reviewed the submissions. While Jake's work was good, the teacher noticed a few careless errors. Instead of a severe penalty, Jake received a slap on the wrist and was told to be more diligent in the future.

As a rule of thumb, the teacher advised the class to start their projects well in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Jake took this advice to heart, vowing never to procrastinate again.

With a renewed sense of responsibility, Jake began planning his time better, ensuring he never cut it so close again.

Use Chat GPT to create a short story with some of the idioms.


Sir Joseph said…
Hi Graham,

Barcelona won the match by the skin of his teeth.

I don´t have a sweet tooth twenty years ago. I only eat fruit.

As rule of thumb the students must not be nervous when they do an exam.

I always get a thumbs up from my wife when I am at home.

When I´m speak in English, sometimes, I can´t remember words which I know it but I have on the tip of my tongue.

People phoned me at night, at 3 hours and they said tongue in cheek.

When kids were playing tongue twister a boy said: Supercalifragislisticoespialidoso.

There are some drivers in Madrid who don´t keep on their toes and they don´t respect the zebra crossing.

The father has to do toe the line his son every day because he always gives excuses to not study.

The boss of my company gave a slap on the wrist to an employed who had come five minutes late for reason of public transport.

See you.
Graham said…
Good morning Joseph,

Hopefully, you will be able to remember and reproduce some of these idioms.

Barcelona won the match by the skin of their teeth.

I haven't had a sweet tooth for the last twenty years. I only eat fruit now.

As rule of thumb, students must not be nervous when they do an exam.

I always get a thumbs-up from my wife when I am at home.

When I speak in English, sometimes, I can´t remember words which I know but I have on the tip of my tongue.

Some people phoned me in the middle of the night, at 3 a.m. and they spoke tongue in cheek. (to say sth tongue in cheek)

When kids were playing tongue twister, a boy said: Supercalifragislisticoexpialidocious.

There are some drivers in Madrid who don´t keep on their toes and they don´t respect the zebra crossing.

The father has to make sure his son toes the line every day because he always gives excuses not to study.

The boss of my company gave an employee / one of my colleagues a slap on the wrist for coming five minutes late and that was due to public transport running late.

Pretty good examples!