Verb Pattern Translations

Translate the following sentences. Be careful not to translate literally. All sentences demonstrate verb patterns.

  1. No esperaba aprobar - no había estudiado mucho.
  2. Esperamos resolver el problema cuanto antes.
  3. Se me olvidó echar la llave.
  4. Los españoles suelen hablar muy alto.
  5. Pudiste llegar a tiempo?
  1. Mi hermana me dijo que no preocupase.
  2. Le suplicó a su compañero que cambiase de opinión.
  3. El profesor nos animó a ver películas en inglés .
  4. La policía advirtió a la gente que no condujese debido al mal tiempo.
  5. Me recordé a mi hermano que le enviase una tarjeta a nuestra madre.
  1. No me importa trabajar en turnos.
  2. Ella no soporta ver a su ex con su nueva pareja.
  3. Me recomendarías coger el tren?
  4. Me arrepiento de no aceptar el otro trabajo.
  5. Él negó haber amenazado con echarla.
  1. Me disculpé por no haberme recordado de su cumpleaños.
  2. Quedo a la espera de oír tus ideas.
  3. Me felicitó por haber aprobado el examen.
  4. Los guardias de seguridad evitaron que la gente entrara el edificio.
  5. No sirve de nada llegar temprano.


José said…
Hi Graham,

All are right, so you haven't to chech them. LOL

A.1. As I hadn’t studied much I didn’t hope to pass. I didn’t hope to pass, because I hadn’t studied a lot.
2. We hope to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
3. I forgot to close the door.
4. The Spanish usually speak up very loudly.
5. Could you arrive on time?

B.1. My sister said to me that not to worry.
2. He asked his partner to change of mind
3. The teacher encouraged us to see English movies.
4. The police advised people against drive because of the bad weather.
5. I reminded my brother of send our mother a card.

C.1. I don’t care for work in turns.
2. She doesn’t support to see her ex with his new partner.
3. Would you advise me to catch a train?
4 I’m sorry for don’t accept another work.
5. He refused to have threatened to sack her.

D.1. I apologized to her for forget her birthday.
2. I would like to listen your ideas.
3. He congratulated me on passing my exam.
4. The security guards prevented to people get in the building.
5. It’s useless to come early.

See you.
Anonymous said…
Hi Graham. This is my "free-style" translation.

I didn’t expect to pass the exam, I hadn’t studied a lot.
We hope to solve the problem as soon as possible.
I forgot to lock the door.
Spaniards use to speak very loud.
Were you able to arrive on time?

My sister told me not to worry.
He asked his partner to change his mind.
The encouraged us to see films in English language.
The police asked people not to drive because of bad weather.
I remind my brother to send a card to our mother.

I don’t mind working the way that we distribute the hours according a schedule.
She can’t stand seeing her ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend.
Would you recommend me taking the train?
I regret not having accepted the job.
He deny having threatened to fire her.

I apologize to his for having forgot his birthday.
I’m waiting to hear your ideas.
He congratulate me on passing the exam/ He congratulate me on having passed the exam.
The security guards forbade them to enter the building.
It isn’t useful arriving early.

Anonymous said…
After seeing the translation of Jose, I've noticed several mistakes in my translation.
A1 Maybe is better write "because" among the two sentences.
A3 The plural of "a Spaniard" is "the Spanish".
D1 The past of "apologize" is "apologized".
D2 "I would like to listen your ideas" maybe sounds better than "I’m waiting to hear your ideas" because the last sentence is a literal translation.

Graham said…
Hi José,

I don't have to check your answers? - I doubt it very much indeed.

A. Verb + to

1. As I hadn’t studied much, I didn’t *expect to pass. I didn’t expect to pass because I hadn’t studied a lot.

3. I forgot to lock the door.

4. The Spanish usually speak very loudly. = The Spanish tend to speak very loud. (speak loud/loudly)

5. Could you arrive on time? Did you manage to arrive on time?

B. verb + obj + to

1. "Don't worry!" My sister told me not to worry.

2. He asked his partner to change her mind. He begged his colleague to change his mind.

3. The teacher encouraged us to see movies in English.

4. The police advised people against driving because of the bad weather. The police advised people not to drive... What's the difference between warn and advise?

5. I *reminded my brother to send our mother a card.
(You remind me of my brother = when I look at you, I think of my brother)

C. verb + ___ing

1. I don’t mind working shifts.

2. She can't stand seeing her ex with his new partner.

3. Would you advise me to catch a train? Would you recommend taking the train?

4 I’m sorry for not accepting another job. I regret not accepting the other job.

5. He denied threatening to sack her. What's the difference between deny and refuse?

D. verb + prep + ___ing

1. I apologized (to her) for forgetting her birthday.

2. I look forward to hearing* your ideas.

4. The security guards prevented people from getting into the building.

5. There's no point in arriving early.




Translating and Verb Patterns are tricky. So, well done!
Graham said…
Hi Iñaki,

Check out the links in my reply to José.

The Spanish tend to speak very loud. / ... usually speak...
Were you able to arrive on time? ✔ = Did you manage to...? ✔

He asked his partner to change his mind. / He begged his colleague to change his mind. What's the difference between beg and ask?
The teacher encouraged us to see films in English.
The police asked/warned people not to drive because of the bad weather.
I reminded my brother to send a card to our mother.

I don’t mind working the way that we distribute the hours according to our schedule. (Much easier to say - working in shifts!)
Would you recommend taking the train?
He denied threatening / having threatened to fire her.

I apologised (to him) for forgetting / having forgotten his birthday.
I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas.
He congratulated me on passing / having passed the exam
The security guards prevented them from entering the building.
There's no point in arriving early.

A1 Maybe it is better to write "because" between the two sentences. What's the difference between among and between?

A3 Spaniards (more uncommon) = the Spanish

D2 "I would like to listen to your ideas" maybe it sounds better than "I’m waiting to hear your ideas" because the last sentence is a literal translation.

Well done!
Anonymous said…
Hi Graham
It's Miguel.


No esperaba aprobar - no había estudiado mucho.
I didn't expect to pass, I hadn't studied too much.
Esperamos resolver el problema cuanto antes.
We hope to solve the problem as soon as possible
Se me olvidó echar la llave.
I forgot to lock the door
Los españoles suelen hablar muy alto.
Spanish people usually speak very loud
Pudiste llegar a tiempo?
Could you be there on time?

Mi hermana me dijo que no preocupase.
My sister told me not to worry
Le suplicó a su compañero que cambiase de opinión.
He supplied his mate to change his opinion
El profesor nos animó a ver películas en inglés.
The teacher engaged us to watch movies in English
La policía advirtió a la gente que no condujese debido al mal tiempo.
The police warned people not driving due to the bad weather
Me recordé a mi hermano que le enviase una tarjeta a nuestra madre.
I told my brother to send a card to our mother.

No me importa trabajar en turnos.
I don't care working in turns
Ella no soporta ver a su ex con su nueva pareja.
She can't stand seeing her ex with his new girlfriend.
Me recomendarías coger el tren?
Would you reccomend me taking the train?
Me arrepiento de no aceptar el otro trabajo.
I regret not accepting the other job
Él negó haber amenazado con echarla.
He denied threatening her with firing

Me disculpé por no haberme recordado de su cumpleaños.
I apologised for not having remembered his birthday
Quedo a la espera de oír tus ideas.
I'm waiting about hearing your ideas
Me felicitó por haber aprobado el examen.
He congratulated me for having passed the exam
Los guardias de seguridad evitaron que la gente entrara el edificio.
Security guards warned people from coming into the building
No sirve de nada llegar temprano.
It doesn't mean anything being early
Graham said…
Hi Miguel,

It's worth spending time on these verb patterns.

Here goes.

No esperaba aprobar - no había estudiado mucho.
I didn't expect to pass, I hadn't studied (so) much.

Los españoles suelen hablar muy alto.
Spanish people usually speak very loud / The Spanish tend to...

Pudiste llegar a tiempo?
Could you get / Did you manage to get there on time?

Le suplicó a su compañero que cambiase de opinión.
He begged his colleague to change his opinion/mind.
(to supply = proveer)

El profesor nos animó a ver películas en inglés.
The teacher encouraged us to watch movies in English.

La policía advirtió a la gente que no condujese debido al mal tiempo.
The police warned people not to drive due to the bad weather.

Me recordé a mi hermano que le enviase una tarjeta a nuestra madre.
I told my brother to send / reminded my brother to send a card to our mother.

No me importa trabajar en turnos.
I don't mind working in shifts.

Me recomendarías coger el tren?
Would you recommend me taking the train?

Él negó haber amenazado con echarla.
He denied threatening to fire/sack her.

Quedo a la espera de oír tus ideas.
I'm looking foirward to hearing your ideas.

Me felicitó por haber aprobado el examen.
He congratulated me on having passed the exam.

Los guardias de seguridad evitaron que la gente entrara el edificio.
Security guards stopped/prevented people from coming into the building.

No sirve de nada llegar temprano.
There's no point in arriving early.