-ed / -ing Adjective Translations

Translate the following sentences. All of them contain -ed or -ing adjectives. The first letter of the adjective is given.

  1. (Él) Parece estar tan aburrido = Tiene pinta de estar tan aburrido. (B)
  2. (Ella) Es una actriz tan aburrida / sosa. (B)
  3. Me decepcionó que no me eligieran. (D)
  4. Era una historia conmovedora que hizo llorar a mucha gente. (M)
  5. Los niños estaban asustados después de ver la película. (F)
  6. He tenido una semana muy agotadora. (T)
  1. Me preocupé cuando no me llamaste. (W)
  2. El aumento de la criminalidad es preocupante. (W)
  3. Estoy completamente destrozado. Me voy a la cama. (E)
  4. Era tan abochornante. No veía el momento de salir de allí. (E)
  5. Pensaba que te interesaba coleccionar monedas. (I)
  6. Los primeros resultados fueron bastante prometedores. (E)
  1. El olor del queso era asqueroso. (D)
  2. Me asombró que llegasen a la final. (A)
  3. Su voz me parece tan molesta. (A)
  4. Me enfado cuando la gente. me hace esperar (A)
  5. Me parece escandaloso que los políticos permitieran que ocurriese. (S)
  6. (Él) Estaba aliviado que no tuviera que emprender el viaje. (R)
  1. Esta música me parece bastante relajante.(R)
  2. Se confunde con facilidad. (C)
  3. Me alegro que finalmente hayas podido venir. (P)
  4. Su lenguaje amenazador la alteró. (T)
  5. Estaba abrumada con todo el apoyo que recibió. (O)
  6. Una mayoría abrumadora votó a favor de un cambio en la ley. (O)


Montse said…
Hi, Graham. I've given it a try.

1. He seems to be so bored.
2. She is such a boring actress.
3. Not being chosen was disappointing.
4. It was such a moving story that it made many people cry.
5.The children were frightened after watching the film.
6. I have had a very tiring week.

1. I was worried when you didn't call me.
2. The increase of the criminality is worrying.
3. I'm completly exhausted. I go to bed.
4. It was so embarrasing. I couldn't see the moment to go out from there.
5. I thought you were interested in collecting coins.
6. The first results were quite encouraging.

1. The smell of the cheese was disgusting.
2. I was amazed by the fact that they reached the final.
3. His voice seems so annoying to me.
4. I am annoyed when people keep me waiting.
5. I am shocked because the politics allowed it happened.
6. He was relieved because he hadn't to set off the trip.

1. This music looks quite relaxing.
2. He is confused easily.
3. I am pleased you have been able to come, eventually.
4. His threatening language got flustered her.
5. She was overhelmed because of their support.
6. An overhelming majority voted in favour of a change of the law.
Graham said…
Hi Montse,

This is a very good attempt. You got all the -ed and -ing adjectives right.

1. He seems to be so bored. / He looks so bored
3. Not being chosen was disappointing. / I was disappointed that they didn't choose me.

2. The rise in crime is worrying.
3. I'm completely /absolutely exhausted. I to bed.
4. It was so embarrassing. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

2. I was amazed (by the fact) that they reached/got to the final.
3. I find his voice so annoying
4. I get annoyed when people keep me waiting.
5. I am shocked that (the) politicians allowed it happened.
6. He was relieved because he didn't have to make the trip.


1. I find this music quite relaxing.
2. He gets confused easily.
3. I am pleased (that) you could / were able to come in the end.
4. His threatening language upset her.
5. She was overhelmed by all the support she got.
6. An overhelming majority voted in favour of a change in the law.

get + adj = when there is a change

I find stg + "ing" adj = I think it is ...
Vanessa said…
Hi Graham! This exercise has been a quite complicated for me... I hope I don`t have a lot of mistakes

A. 1. He seems so bored
2. She`s a boring actress
3. I was disappointed that they didn't`t choose me
4. It was a moving story that many people made to cry
5. The children were frightened after they watched the film
6. I`ve had a very tired week.

B. 1. I worried when you didn't`t call me
2. The increase in criminality is worrying
3. I`m completely exhausted. I`m going to bed
4. It was so embarrassing. He couldn't wait to get out of there
5. I thought you were interested in collecting coins
6. The first results were quite encouraging

C. 1. The smell of the cheese was disgusting
2. I was amazed that they reached the final
3. Her voice sounds so annoying
4. I get annoyed when the people makes me wait
5. I find it scandalous that politicians allowed it to happen
6. He was relieved that he didn't have to start the journey

D. 1. I find this music quite relaxing
2. He`s confused easily
3. I`m pleased that you finally can to come
4. Her threatening language altered her
5. She was overwhelmed with all the support she received
6. An overwhelming majority voted for a change in the law
Graham said…
Hi Vanessa,

Translating isn't an easy task though you seem to have done this very well.

1. He seems so bored. RIGHT
2. She`s such a boring actress.
3. I was disappointed that they didn't choose me. RIGHT
4. It was a moving story that made many people cry.
5. The children were frightened after they watched the film. RIGHT
6. I`ve had a very tiring week.

1. I was worried when you didn't call me.
2. The increase in crime is worrying. RIGHT
3. I`m absolutely exhausted. I`m going to bed. RIGHT
4. It was so embarrassing. He couldn't wait to get out of there. RIGHT
5. I thought you were interested in collecting coins. RIGHT
6. The first results were quite encouraging. RIGHT

1. The smell of the cheese was disgusting. RIGHT
2. I was amazed that they reached the final. RIGHT
3. Her voice sounds so annoying. RIGHT
4. I get annoyed when people make me wait.
5. I find it shocking that politicians allowed it to happen. RIGHT
6. He was relieved that he didn't have to start the journey. RIGHT

1. I find this music quite relaxing. RIGHT
2. He gets confused easily.
3. I`m pleased that you finally can come.
4. Her threatening language upset her.
5. She was overwhelmed with all the support she received. RIGHT
6. An overwhelming majority voted for a change in the law. RIGHT