Househusbands on the rise

Source: Jude Beck on Unsplash

Rise in stay-at-home fathers fuelled by growing numbers of female breadwinners

The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year, new figures show, as families saw a rise in female breadwinners.

Men now make up nearly 10 per cent of those who care for children while their partner goes out to work, official employment statistics revealed today.

There were 227,000 men staying at home to look after family between September and November last year, a rise of 19,000 compared to the same period in 2011 and the highest increase since figures began in 1993.

Experts suggested that the shift was down to men losing their jobs in the recession and either failing to find new employment or deciding that it did not make financial sense for them to return to work if their partner was a high earner.
to fuel -
a breadwinner - el sostén de familia
to make up - componer
to reveal - demostrar, poner de manifiesto
an increase  (a rise)- un aumento
a shift (a change) - un cambio
to be down to stg (due to) -
overall - en general
a trend - una tendencia
a spouse (husband/wife)- un cónyuge
to lose ground -
share (n) - parte
to welcome - agradecerse
to be hit by stg (affected by) -
to train - formarse
to be worth your while -
to warn -avisar, advertir
embarrassing - embarazoso
in order to - con el fin de que
despite - a pesar de
likely - probable
to downscale -
overwhelmingly - casi unánimemente
to put stg on hold (delay) -
a lack of stg - una falta de algo
a pay gap - una brecha salarial
Do you know any husbands who stay at home to look after the kids?


José said…
Hi Graham,

I have looked up the word "househusband" in the English dictionary (to avoid bad interpretations) and this word means owner of the house (amo de casa). This is another stereotype and I going to reveal. First, always the owner of the house is a woman. Second, when children were born, the husband is a junk and the wife tell him "please don't annoy you must work". When the husband retires, his wife tell him, "please don't stain the floor of the kitchen, ¡go away!" Overall, the husband passes away before than the wife because the house is hers.

On the contrary, despite there is a trend in order to the woman is the breadwinner, be careful woman because your husband is cheating you. He doesn't want to work and he prefers to have a lie in bed. He's fed up with bearing his boss. If some romantic woman thinks that her husband is a modern man, isn't true, he's a lazy man. In my opinión, both spouses must work, breadwinner, bring up your children and so on.

Anyway, the house is always property of the female. LOL

See you.
Graham said…
Hi José,

A househusband is a modern day phenomenon - a man who stays at home to look after the children and the house while his wife earns the family income. Would you like to have been a househusband?

I have looked up the word "househusband" in the English dictionary (to avoid misunderstandings) and this word means owner of the house (amo de casa). This is another stereotype as I am going to reveal. First, the owner of the house is always a woman. Second, when children are born, the husband is of no use and the wife tells him not to annoy her and to go to work. When the husband retires, his wife tells him not to dirty the floor and to leave. For most, the husband passes away before the wife because the house is hers.

On the contrary, despite there being a trend for the woman to be the breadwinner, women should be careful because their husbands are tricking them. He doesn't want to work and he prefers to have a lie in bed. He's fed up with bearing his boss. If some romantic woman thinks that her husband is a modern man, it isn't true, he's a lazy man. In my opinion, both spouses must work, be breadwinners, bring up their children and so on.