Circus Vocabulary

Source: fer gomez on Unsplash
  1. a balancing act - un acto de equilibrio / una situación difícil cuando intentas lograr diferentes cosas al mismo tiempo.

    • She had to perform a balancing act between work and family.
  2. a cage - una jaula

    • The lion was kept in a cage for safety.
  3. (to do) a cartwheel - hacer una voltereta lateral

    • The children showed off their gymnastic skills by doing cartwheels in the park.
  4. a clown - un payaso

    • The circus clown entertained the audience with his funny antics.
  5. a custard pie - una tarta de crema pastelera / arrojada a la cara de un payaso para hacer reír a la gente

    • The comedian received a custard pie in the face to make people laugh.
  6. (to do) a handstand - hacer un pino (solo las manos tocan el suelo)

    • The gymnast impressed everyone by doing a perfect handstand.
  7. (to do) a headstand - hacer un pino (la cabeza toca el suelo)

    • She challenged herself to do a headstand during yoga class.
  8. a hoop - un aro

    • The acrobat gracefully jumped through the hoop.
  9. to juggle / a juggler - hacer malabares / un malabarista

    • She had to juggle her career with looking after her two young children.
  10. a knife thrower - un lanzador de cuchillos

    • The audience gasped as the knife thrower expertly aimed at the target.
  11. the ring - el circo

    • The performers showcased their skills in the ring.
  12. a rope ladder - una escalera de cuerda

    • The pirate climbed the rope ladder to board the ship.
  13. a safety net - una red de seguridad

    • The trapeze artist felt reassured knowing there was a safety net below.
  14. a somersault - una voltereta

    • The gymnast performed a somersault during her routine.
  15. (to walk on) stilts - caminar con zancos

    • The entertainer amazed the crowd by walking on stilts at the fair.
  16. a stunt - una acrobacia

    • The action movie included several dangerous stunts performed by the actors.
  17. a sword swallower - un tragasables

    • The sword swallower captivated the audience with his daring act.
  18. tame (adj/v) / a lion tamer - domar (adj/v) / un domador de leones

    • The lion tamer bravely entered the cage to tame the wild animals.
  19. (to walk) a tightrope / a tightrope walker - caminar en la cuerda floja / un funambulista

    • The tightrope walker captivated the audience with their daring performance.
  20. a trapeze artist - un trapecista

    • The trapeze artist swung gracefully through the air.
  21. whip (n/v) - un látigo / azotar

    • The lion tamer used a whip to train the lions.

Should circuses with animals be banned?

Read this story: Anne the Elephant and the end of circus animals


José said…
Hi Graham,

I’m going to do my opinion about whether circuses with animals should be banned. First of all it’s necessary to point to that we have to be on this matter from a perspective of animals. When I talk about relationship between animals and human being, I'm interested in that, then, I can’t be impartial.
Everybody knows that animals have to suffer much to learn make a somersault or another stunk. The tamer whips to the lion, the tiger and the elephant. Animals in the circus are nervous, stressed and tense. In general speaking, animals are very sad.
On other hand, animals live in cages, they aren’t treated by carers well. If I were animal, I wouldn't like live like them. I would prefer live freely.
Nevertheless, if the circus didn’t exist, they wouldn't live.
My answer is that we must ban the circus with animals.

See you.
Graham said…
Hi José,

It is hard to believe that in the 21st century that the undignifying spectacle of the circus still exists.

However, I am hopeful that one day humans will treat the animal kingdom with the respect it deserves. Unfortunately, I think that this day is still a long way off.

I’m going to give my opinion about whether circuses with animals should be banned.

First of all, it’s necessary to point out that we have to deal with this matter from the perspective of animals.

When I talk about relationship between animals and human beings, it's a subject that I am interested in, and so I can’t be impartial.

Everybody knows that animals have to suffer greatly to learn how to do a somersault or any other stunt. The tamer whips the lion, the tiger and the elephant. ... In general / Generally speaking, animals are very sad.

On the other hand, (this is used for contrasting) What is more (this is used to give extra information) animals live in cages, and they are mistreated by their "carers". If I were an animal, I wouldn't like to live like them. I would prefer to live freely.

Nevertheless, if the circus didn’t exist, they wouldn't live.(I doubt you really believe that - it's what they say about the bulls)

My answer is that we must ban circuses with animals.