#WOTD Week 4

 Here are week four's Word of the Day. Click on the tweets to respond to them and write some of your own example sentences.


Answer any of these questions:

  1. Can you give examples of how a parent spoils a child?
  2. What is something that has been spoilt for you recently? How did you feel?
  3. Have you ever had an important event spoilt by bad weather? What happened?
  4. What do you think spoils a good friendship?
  5. Can too much money spoil someone's character? Why or why not?
  6. What do you think spoils a nice meal at a restaurant?
  7. In your opinion, what spoils a good vacation?
  8. Do you think people spoil their pets too much? Why or why not?


 Comment on some of these statements:
  1. Roughly 46 million people live in Spain.
  2. The UK is roughly 70% smaller than France.
  3. The British Museum has roughly 8 million objects in its collection.
  4. Spain produces roughly 44% of the world’s olive oil.
  5. Roughly 80% of the population of the UK lives in urban areas.
  6. Roughly 300 days of sunshine occur annually in parts of Spain.
  7. The UK has roughly 6,000 islands, but only a small portion are inhabited.
  8. Roughly 60 million tourists visit Spain each year.
  9. The UK has roughly 1,500 castles.
  10. The UK generates roughly 40% of its electricity from renewable energy.
  11. Roughly 70% of Spaniards live in apartments.
  12. Roughly 25% of Spain’s population is over 60 years old.
  13. The UK has roughly 150,000 pubs.
  14. Spain exports roughly 70% of its wine production.
  15. Spain has roughly 2,500 festivals each year.
  16. Roughly 20% of the UK’s population was born outside the country.
  17. Roughly 6 million Spaniards work in the tourism industry.
  18. The UK consumes roughly 165 million cups of tea per day.
  19. Roughly 40 million passengers pass through Madrid-Barajas Airport annually.
  20. London receives roughly 15 million international visitors every year.
  21. Roughly 300,000 expats from the UK live in Spain.


Answer any of these questions: 

  1. What do you think is the biggest drawback of working from home?
  2. What’s the main drawback of living in a big city, in your opinion?
  3. Do you think there is any drawback to having too much free time?
  4. Is there a drawback to using social media for news and information?
  5. What would you say is the main drawback of online shopping?
  6. Can you think of any drawback to having a flexible work schedule?
  7. What is the biggest drawback of studying abroad, in your opinion?
  8. Is there any drawback to using public transportation instead of owning a car?


Translate the following sentences:

  1. Es probable que llegue tarde debido al tráfico.
  2. Es probable que reciba un ascenso este año.
  3. No es probable que terminemos el proyecto a tiempo.
  4. Es poco probable que asista a la reunión.
  5. La probabilidad de encontrar un lugar para estacionar en la ciudad es muy baja.
  6. Es probable que necesitemos más recursos para completar la tarea.
  7. Es probable que el equipo gane si sigue jugando así.
  8. Es poco probable que los precios bajen en el corto plazo.
  9. La probabilidad de éxito aumenta con el trabajo duro.



Answer any of these questions:
  1. What remarkable invention do you think has changed the world the most, and how?
  2. What makes a piece of art or music truly remarkable in your opinion?
  3. Can you describe a remarkable animal or plant species and what makes it stand out in nature?
  4. What do you find remarkable about the universe or outer space that amazes you the most?
  5. Who is a remarkable leader, past or present, that inspires you, and what qualities make them stand out?


Answer some of the following questions:
  1. Where do you fancy going for your next holiday?
  2. What do you think of fancy restaurants? Do they appeal to you, or do you prefer casual places?
  3. What’s the fanciest event you’ve ever attended, and how did it make you feel?
  4. If you had a fancy car, what kind would it be? Why do you fancy that particular model?
  5. Do you fancy the idea of living in another country for a year? Which country would it be?
  6. What do you fancy doing this weekend?
  7. Which well-known person do you fancy?
  8. Have you ever tried to cook something fancy? How did it turn out?


Colleague 1 (Emma): Hey, did you hear about the new project? I heard it's going to be remarkable if it goes as planned.

Colleague 2 (Jake): Yeah, I caught some details in the meeting. It sounds exciting, but there are a few drawbacks. It's going to require roughly double the resources we anticipated.

Emma: Oh, really? I didn't realise it would take that much. Do you think it's still likely we'll hit the deadline?

Jake: Honestly, it's hard to say. We might, but only if there are no unexpected issues. I wouldn't be too quick to claim success just yet.

Emma: True. I don't want to get my hopes up too much. It's easy to get excited about the idea, though. It's kind of a fancy project compared to what we usually do.

Jake: Definitely, it's got some big ambitions. But we have to be careful not to spoil it by rushing. You know how these things can go wrong if we don’t manage everything carefully.

Emma: Exactly. I’m just hoping it goes smoothly. If we pull it off, it'll be a big win for the team.

Jake: Yeah, let’s stay positive. It’s a challenge, but a remarkable one if we can manage all the pieces!

Emma: Agreed. Let’s focus and keep things moving.

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