Doggy Tales

Source: Yuki Dog on Unsplash

An Introduction to Dogs
by Ogden Nash 

The dog is man's best friend. 
He has a tail on one end. 
Up in front he has teeth. 
And four legs underneath

Dogs like to bark
They like it best after dark. 
They not only frighten prowlers away 
But also hold the sandman at bay

 A dog that is indoors 
To be let out implores. 
You let him out and what then? 
He wants back in again.  

Dogs display reluctance and wrath 
If you try to give them a bath. 
They bury bones in hideaways 
And half the time they trot sideways

Dogs in the country have fun. 
They run and run and run. 
But in the city this species 
Is dragged around on leashes

Dogs are upright as a steeple 
And much more loyal than people. 
Well people may be *reprehensibler 
But that's probably because they are *sensibler.

*more reprehensible / more sensible

Read, listen to and comment on some of these dog-related Tweets (either here in this post or in Twitter):







Sir Joseph said…
Hi Graham,

I like the Introduction to Dogs by this American poet. We have said so much things about dogs that it´s difficult to say any more. Perhaps, what I surprised me more of dogs was that they have conscience. I read that some dogs told off others dogs because these have made a bad action, that is, they had eaten meat kept for people and it was forbidden. Even somebody wouldn´t dare to tell off other people who had committed a foult.

When I was child, I enjoyed with my dog running along the countryside, looking for things or little animals like lizards and I sometimes had to go where it wanted. I remember that when it found a hare it went barking behind it until it disappeared. After five minutes it came back with me and I told him: "Don´t worry, you have done what you could".

I know that Mankind is answerable to the dogs for its loyalty and for sometimes they have salvaged a lot of people.

See you.
Graham said…
Good afternoon José,

I recited An Introduction to Dogs in a poetry-reading competition when I was a child. I would find it difficult to remember the first verse today, never mind the whole poem.

Have you read any of the dog-related tweets? Don't they pull at your heartstrings? I never get fed up with these kind of stories - give me them before listening to stories about the latest trickle of lava in La Palma or the daily update on the price of electricity.

I like the Introduction to Dogs by this American poet. We have said so many things about dogs that it´s difficult to say any more. Perhaps, was that they have a conscience. I read that some dogs told off other dogs because these have done something bad, like eating meat kept for people and it was forbidden. Even somebody wouldn´t dare to tell off other people who had committed an ioffence.

When I was child, I enjoyed running through the countryside with my dog, looking for things or little animals like lizards and I sometimes had to go where he wanted. I remember that when he came across a hare, he chased it while barking until it disappeared. After five minutes, he came back to me and I told him not to worry and that he did his best.

I know that Mankind owes a lot to dogs for their loyalty and for rescuing a lot of people.
Anonymous said…
Learning this one: ' upright as a steeple' and some other words.

I thought sandman was created by Neil Gaiman, haha, not that it was a known tale!
Graham said…
Hello Su,

I'll have to find a poem on cats to post too.

I should try to recite An Introduction to Dogs off by heart though this time it would be much tougher. The old brain works much slower.