Phrasal Verbs with PUT

All the following sentences contain a phrasal with the verb "put".  Match the phrasal to its meaning.

  1. He's very good at putting his ideas across.
  2. What a mess! Can you put all these papers away, please?
  3. Don't leave the book there. Put it back on the shelf.
  4. The policeman told the man to put the knife down.
  5. The meeting was put off due to the pilots' strike.
  6. You are eating chocolate cake now?! It'll put you off your dinner.
      a. to return stg to where it was before it was moved
      b. to delay an event until another date or time
      c. to express
      d. to discourage sb from doing sth
      e. to put sth in its usual place
      f. to put sth you are holding onto the floor

  1. Can you put the light on? I can't see a thing.
  2. I put on a lot of weight over the holidays.
  3. It took the fire brigade ten hours to put the fire out.
  4. Can you put me through to customer services, please?
  5. He has nowhere else to stay so I'm putting him up for a few days.
  6. How do you put up with all this noise?
      a. to make a device operate
      b. to accept an unpleasant situation 
      c. to connect a person on the phone with another
      d. to get heavier
      e. to give accommodation to sb
      f. to extinguish

Take a note of -

Collocations: put across an idea, put on weight, put a fire out etc.

Phrasals with people: put sb up, put sb through, put sb off etc.

Separable Phrasals (when the noun can go between the verb and preposition): put the light on, put the meeting off etc.

Non-separable Phrasals (the noun is never in the middle): put up with sth/sb etc.

Phrasals with more than one meaning: put on, put off etc.

Separable Phrasals:

I looked the word up in the dictionary. πŸ˜

I looked it up in the dictionary. 😍

I looked up the word in the dictionary. πŸ˜

I looked up it in the dictionary.  πŸ˜‘ 

As you can see from the above, pronouns are always in the middle of Separable Phrasals. Object nouns come after either the verb or preposition.

Non-separable Phrasals:

Phrasals with two prepositions are always Non-separable.

I am looking forward to meeting you. πŸ˜
I am looking forward you to meeting.  πŸ˜‘ 

How do you put up with this noise? πŸ˜
How do you put up this noise with?  πŸ˜‘ 

C. Translate the following:
  1. Esta es una zona sin humo. Por favor apaguen sus cigarrillos.
  2. Shhhh! Puedes hacer menos ruido? Me estΓ‘s distrayendo del trabajo.
  3. No sΓ© cΓ³mo aguanta a su jefe. Yo no podrΓ­a.
  4. Espero que lo coloques exactamente en el mismo sitio donde estaba.
  5. Te importa si enciendo la tele?
  6. Las bolsas pesaban tanto que tuve que depositarlas en el suelo (descansar) varias veces.
  7. Decidieron posponer la boda hasta el aΓ±o que viene,
  8. DiscutiΓ³ con su mujer y lo dejΓ© pasar la noche en mi casa.


Montse said…
Hi, Graham! This is my answer:


1- This is a no smoke area. Please, put your cigarettes out.
2- Shhhh! Can you make less noise? You're getting caught up in my work.
3- I don't know how she puts up with her boss. I couldn't.
4-I expect that you put it back exactly at the same place where it was.
5-Do you mind if I put the TV on?
6-The boxes were so heavy that i had to put them down several times.
7-They decided to put off the wedding until the next year.
8-He argued with her wife and I had to put him up.

See you soon.
Graham said…
Hi Montse,

A and B all correct.

1- This is a no-smoking area. Please, put your cigarettes out.

2- Shhhh! Can you make less noise? You're putting me off my work.

4-I hope that you put it back in exactly the same place where it was /exactly where you found it.

6-The bags were so heavy that I had to put them down several times.

7-They decided to put off the wedding until next year.

8-He argued /had an arguement with his wife so I put him up for the night.

Well done!

See you next Wed!
Anonymous said…
Hi Graham, this is my first try... this year (JosΓ© Luis professor)
Phrasal verbs with "put"
All the following sentences contain a phrasal with the verb "put". Match the phrasal to its meaning.

1. He's very good at putting his ideas across.
2. What a mess! Can you put all these papers away, please?
3. Don't leave the book there. Put it back on the shelf.
4. The policeman told the man to put the knife down.
5. The meeting was put off due to the pilots' strike.
6. You are eating chocolate cake now?! It'll put you off your dinner.
3a to return stg to where it was before it was moved
5b. to delay an event until another date or time
1c. to express
6d. to discourage sb from doing stg
2e. to put stg in its usual place
4f. to put stg you are holding onto the floor

1. Can you put the light on? I can't see a thing.
2. I put on a lot of weight over the holidays.
3. It took the fire brigade ten hours to put the fire out.
4. Can you put me through to customer services, please?
5. He has nowhere else to stay so I'm putting him up for a few days.
6. How do you put up with all this noise?
1a. to make a device operate
6b. to accept an unpleasant situation
4c. to connect a person on the phone with another
2d. to get heavier
5e. to give accommodation to sb
3f. to extinguish

Translate the following:
1. Esta es una zona sin humo. Por favor apaguen sus cigarrillos.
2. Shhhh! Puedes hacer menos ruido? Me estΓ‘s distrayendo del trabajo.
3. No sΓ© cΓ³mo aguanta a su jefe. Yo no podrΓ­a.
4. Espero que lo coloques exactamente en el mismo sitio donde estaba.
5. Te importa si enciendo la tele?
6. Las bolsas pesaban tanto que tuve que depositarlas en el suelo (descansar) varias veces.
7. Decidieron posponer la boda hasta el aΓ±o que viene,
8. DiscutiΓ³ con su mujer y lo dejΓ© pasar la noche en mi casa.
1. This is a smoke free zone. Please, put the cigarettes out.
2. Shhh! Can you make less noise? You are putting me off work
3. I don’t know how he can put the boss up
4. I hope you put it back in the same place where it was.
5. Do you mind if I put the TV on?
6. The bags were so heavy that I have to put it down on the floor several times
7. They decided to put the wedding off until next year
8. He argued with his wife and I put him up the night in my home

Graham said…
Hi JL,

I hope it is the first try of many. :-)

You matched all the Phrasals with their meanings correctly.

2. Shhh! Can you make less noise? You are putting me off my work.
3. I don’t know how he can put up with his boss. (Phrasals with two prepositions are always inseparable)
6. The bags were so heavy that I have to put them down several times.
8. He argued with his wife so I put him up for the night.

Well done!