Hospital English
She was admitted suffering from shock.
pedir hora:
I'd like to make an appointment for Tues morning with Dr Rodriguez.
estar de baja:
I've been off sick for the last month / I've been on sick leave for the last month. ie I haven't been at work for the last month due to illness.
hacerse un análisis de sangre:
My doctor sent me to get a blood test to find out what is wrong.
que le tomen la presión arterial:
She has high blood pressure. She needs to get her blood pressure taken every three months. (to get stg done)
The doctor suspected that I had appendicitis so he sent me to casualty / accident and emergency.
una revisión / un chequeo médico:
She needs to go every 6 months for a
las muletas:
He was on crutches for a week after spraining his ankle playing football.
dar el alta:
I was discharged from hospital. ie I was allowed to go home.
My doctor told me I was fit to go back to work.
un suero:
I could go for a walk around the hospital despite being attached to a drip.
en ayunas:
When you get a blood test, you have to go on an empty stomach.
un médico de familia:
If you are worried, you should go to your GP to get it checked.
seguro médico:
I prefer to have my own health insurance policy.
una bata:
I'd rather be wearing my own pyjamas than this awful hospital gown.
que le pongan una inyección:
I hate when I have to get an injection. I start shaking when I see a needle.
historia médica:
Your medical records should be strictly private.
hacer seguimento:
They needed to monitor my progress after the operation.
ser operado:
I'm going to be operated on /have an operation next week.
un quirófano / una sala de operaciones:
I was actually quite relaxed as they wheeled me into the operating theatre.
un analgésico / un calmante:
They gave her a painkiller to relieve the pain.
una receta:
If you want antibiotics, you will need
un volante:
I needed the referral note to make my next appointment with the specialist.
una cicatriz:
He was left with a noticeable scar after the operation.
You shouldn't walk around in bare feet. Why don't you wear your slippers?
doler: (see Get Better Soon!)
I have a sore back.
My back hurts.
When are you getting your stitches taken out?
una camilla:
The injured football player was taken away on a stretcher.
un cirujano:
The surgeon assured me that it would be a straightforward operation.
una sala (de un hospital) / un pabellón:
Which ward is he in? I'd like to go to visit him.
una silla de ruedas:
He was confined to a wheelchair after the car accident.
que te tomen una radiografía:
The doctor sent me to get an x-ray to make sure nothing was broken.
What experiences of hospitals do you have?
See you later!!
I created this post after going into hospital to get my appendix out.