Files 1 - 3 (Pre-Int) Review

Complete the following spaces with one word, if necessary:
  1. A: Where ___  she work? B: She ____ in a law firm.
  2. A: ____ do you do? B: I'm ___ architect.
  3. A: How _____ does he play tennis? B: once ___ week.
  4. What were you ______ when you ______ the noise.?
  5. Who _____ this cake? It's delicious.
  6. When _____ the girl born?
  7. How do you _____ your name? Is it with a "G" or a "J"?
  8. On a Friday night she ______ an interesting DVD and ______ it as she ______ on the sofa.
  9. I don't ____ on with my boss. We are always arguing.
  10. How _____ was your flight?
  11. Do they go ____ English class ____ Saturday too?
  12. A: What did you do _____ the day? B: We ____ ___ a walk around town, ___ a drink in a local bar and then went to ___ beach to sunbathe.
  13. Which famous musician ______ in December 1981?
  14. How many nights is she ____ in the hotel?
  15. Grant wants ___ go sightseeing.
  16. Who is going to look ___ my dog when I'm away?
  17. Do you think Barca ___ win tonight? I hope ___
  18. A: These books are heavy. B: I___ ____ them for you.
  19. ______ we finish this tomorrow? It's late.
  20. What ____ did you get ____ home last night?


Paloma said…
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